Radiologik is meant to be an equally good live assist and full automation DJ for radio so you can walk right in and take over and leave as you wish.ģ hot changeable audio outputs and 1 preview It is also the player Radiologik Scheduler uses to make a full-time automated radio station.

Radiologik DJ can be used by itself as a DJ program for live events. Fully automated and unmanned stations use Radiologik to pick content by date, intro and outro artists and titles, announce the time, station ID, play podcasts, manage and play advertising by a separate schedule that integrates with the programming schedule, all completely autonomously. Radiologik DJ Automation Software is also used by radio and live venue DJs, Sirius/XM channels, and is licensed to users in over 60 countries. Radiologik was developed by MacinMind Software for Apple MAC computers and is used in radio automation of LPFMs, NCE-FM, college and high school stations, and online stations. Radio Automation Software for your MAC! Radiologik DJ Automation Software from MacinMind is a system suitable for both live DJ'ing and 24/7 radio automation on the Mac that uses iTunes as its database and iTunes playlists as the logical building blocks for sophisticated programming. PLEASE NOTE: Progressive Concepts is offering this product in special bundle package deals that are at a significant discount to buying these items separately!